How attractive is the nonprofit sector as a workplace for young people?

  • Brigitta Szabó-Bálint
  • Tímea Venczel-Szakó
  • Judit Pótó
  • Norbert Sipos
Keywords: Non-profit sector, hihigher education students, career goals, career orientation, career plans


The aim of our study is to present higher education students’ career plans and ideas about employment, highlighting the characteristics of the non-profit sector. Our research questions are: How attractive is the non-profit sector as a workplace for young people, and whether are there differences in career plans and employee perceptions between those who prefer the non-profit, competitive, and public sectors? In the course of the research, all students of the University of Pécs with active student status were surveyed at all levels of education. In total, 886 respondents out of a total population of 20,331 responded. In the case of career plans, only the career plans of full-time students with Hungarian citizenship were analysed. As a result, the population and sample size changed, with a total of 631 responses from a population of 11,887, resulting in a sample size of 5.3%. Our analysis found that only 10% of the students surveyed would like to work in the non-profit sector, while almost a third of those who have gained experi[1]ence in the non-profit sector would like to continue working there. Independence and a willingness to serve as a career orientation are much more strongly felt in the non-profit sector. Leadership competencies are least identified in the non-profit sector. Our findings suggest that NPOs should target students already during their higher education studies to increase their future intention to work in this sector through positive experiences. 


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How to Cite
Szabó-BálintB., Venczel-SzakóT., PótóJ., & SiposN. (2024). How attractive is the nonprofit sector as a workplace for young people?. Civil Rewiev, 21(1), 23-38.