A "hát" funkciói a prozódiai megvalósulás függvényében

  • Csilla Ilona Dér Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem
  • Alexandra Markó ELTE Fonetikai Tanszék, MTA–ELTE Lendület Lingvális Artikuláció Kutatócsoport


Functions of hát ’well, so’ with relation to its prosodic realization

Hát is an extremely multifunctional discourse marker in Hungarian but monofunctional uses can also be observed. Our aim was to examine whether hát shows different prosodic characters in its different functions. We selected four functions: starting an answer (including opening segment boundary), delaying, marking conclusion and marking evaluation. Although they are not mutually exclusive, in several cases can be separated from each other. Significant difference was only found in the temporal characteristics (duration and pausing) of the delaying function of hát compared to the other realizations. Due to the small number of occurrences (10-12 per category) and the difficulties in f 0 detection (e.g., irregular phonation), statistical comparison of f 0 was not possible. Higher number of occurrences would make these analyses possible; however the monofunctional uses of hát are rather rare and corpus-based automatic methods for identification are not available.
