Az artikulációs tempó és az átlagos alaphang szerepe a beszélő életkorának megbecslésében

  • Ákos Gocsál PTE Művészeti Kar Zeneművészeti Intézet, MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet


The role of articulation rate and mean f 0 in speaker age estimation

The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of correlation between mean estimated age and calendar age of Hungarian speaking men, based on spontaneous speech, and to find acoustic correlates of age estimations. 49 Hungarian students were involved as listeners. In line with previous research, correlation at r = 0.808 was found between calendar age and mean perceived age. A linear regression model proved the significant role of articulation rate in age estimations but f 0 was not proved to be significant a predictor in the model, neither were the other parameters, such as f 0 range, its skewness and kurtosis, and the percentage of irregular phonation.
