Márkanevek és fonetikai hasonlóságon alapuló asszociációk szóasszociációs adatbázisokban

  • László Kovács Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Társadalomtudományi Kar Savaria Gazdálkodástudományi Tanszék, Szombathely


Brands in the mental lexicon: brand names evoked by phonetic similarities in word association databases

Brands came into the focus of research in the last three decades. Recently the center of attention shifted from brands as identifying signs to brands as psychological constructs implying that brand names, as essential parts of brands, can be considered to be entities residing in the mental lexicon. Present paper assumes that brand names, as part of the lexicon appear in
word association databases and that phonetic similarities play a role in evoking brand names as associations. The research analyzes word association databases from the 1980s and 2000s collected in Hungarian in Hungary and in Zakarpattia Oblast and investigates brand names appearing in those databases. In the research, brand names evoked by means of phonetic similarities are collected and categorized. Results show that the underlying processes evoking brand names by means of phonetic similarities are similar to those observed by Gósy–Kovács
(2001) and Lengyel (2012). Some features of associations like association chains or wrong associations are, however, easier to discover when they are connected to brand names. The final section of the paper presents managerial implications by showing how the results can be used to improve a brand’s marketing communication.
