Parallels and paradoxes after comparing the genetic and linguistic relationship of Uralic languages and Uralic speaking populations
Haplogroup N is often associated with the spread of Uralic languages in Europe and West Siberia. However, N haplogroup is rather frequent or at least occurs in a non-negligible ratio among other East European, Middle and East Siberian populations as well, like latvians, lithuanians, northern russians, yakuts, burjats, yukaghirs, chukches, altaic speaking populations. Some of these genetic relationships are also very interesting from a linguistic point of view, because they involve unexpected linguistic relationships as well. For example, there are some unexpected grammatical and lexical links between uralic languages and the geographically remote chukch, yukaghir and altaic langauges. Until now these phenomena were explained by the foggy siberian history of the these languages. The population genetics provides new possibilites in better understanding these phenomena. Futhermore, we can have a new perspective at the inner structure of the uralic language family and localization and timing of some linguistic events in the uralic language family. Alltogether it seems there are both suprising paralells and contradictions between the assumed linguistic and demographic processes.
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