In memoriam Dr. OTTÓ MERKL (1957–2021)

  • GYŐZŐ SZÉL Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum


OTTÓ MERKL worked from 1 September 1981 until his death on 19 February 2021 in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, his first and only employment; from 1985 he was lead curator of the Coleoptera Collection in the Department of Zoology, from 12 February 2021 as head of that department. One of his most important challenges was the modern and up-to-date curation of the collection and improving the percentage of identified specimens; at the same time increasing the species number by collecting and exchanges and promoting the use of the material. During his career he described 164 species and subspecies new to science, mostly belonging to Tenebrionidae and in revisional works he also named 18 genus-group taxa. He had 248 scientific publications, 137 articles of popular science in printed media and 111 online articles.


HANGAY GY. 2021. Ottóra emlékezve. Rovarász Híradó 101: 9–12.
MATSKÁSI I. 2021: Búcsúbeszéd Merkl Ottó ravatalánál. Rovarász Híradó 101: 3–5.
NÉMETH T. 2021: Mesterem és kollégám. Rovarász Híradó 101: 13–19.
SCHAWALLER W. 2021. Obituary. In Memoriam: Dr. Ottó Merkl (1957–2021), Budapest. Integrative
Sytematics: Stuttgart Contributions to Natural History 4(1); published online 30.VI.2021; DOI:
10.18476/2021.302448 (utolsó hozzáférés: 2021. november 22.).
SZÉL GY. 2021a. In memoriam Merkl Ottó (1957–2021).
2021/02/25/in_memoriam_merkl_otto_1957 (utolsó hozzáférés: 2021. november 22.).
SZÉL GY. 2021b. Emlékezés Merkl Ottóra (1957–2021). Növényvédelem 82(4): 178–181.
VIG K. 2020. In memoriam Ottó Merkl (1957–2021). Folia entomologica hungarica 81: 7–9.
VIG K. 2021. Búcsúbeszéd Merkl Ottó ravatalánál. Rovarász Híradó 101: 3–5.
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