Investigation of Macroheterocera fauna in Arló (Lepidoptera)
The aim of this survey is to contribute to the better understanding of the presence and spread of Hungarian Macroheterocera species by collecting new data from the vicinity of Arló, an area which has been virtually unknown for moth-faunistical research. The area harbours a diverse mosaic habitat complex with good conditions for the local moths. In addition to the silvicolous and quercetalis species associated with the typical floral associations of the area, some wetland species also appear like Diachrysia zosimi. During the survey of an anthropogenic area affected by three different vegetation types, 206 moth species were identified. Out of these the occurrence of 21 protected species was confirmed. Important species of faunistical aspect of the area include: Acherontia atropos, Marumba quercus, Hyles livornica, Saturnia pyri, Phalera bucephaloides, Diachrysia chryson, Autographa bractea, Hadena magnolii, Hadena confusa, Scotochrosta pulla, Watsonarctia deserta, Cucullia fraudatrix, Eriogaster catax, E. lanestris, Dioszeghyana schmidtii.
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