A basic concept for monitoring fish biodiversity

  • Péter Sály Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Centre for Ecological Research
Keywords: applied ecology, biodiversity crisis, faunistics, long-term data, scientific method, surveillance, nature conservation, Water Framework Directive


This paper summarises the essence, importance, and objectives of biodiversity monitoring. Then, inspired by the previous practice and experiences gained so far, a basic concept for fish biodiversity monitoring is presented. The aim of this article is to highlight the importance of monitoring as a systematic scientific method in gathering knowledge on current status and temporal changes of biodiversity. The paper is dedicated primarily to the professionals of management and decision policy who are less interested in science. On the other hand, the conceptual definitions are aimed to promote the unified thinking of scientists on monitoring. The views framed by this basic concept can help design and improve monitoring programs. Finally, the paper argues that monitoring can really be effective if it is operated by a dedicated institute.


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