Evolutionary ecology of anthropogenic environmental change and sex reversal in amphibians
Understanding the biological changes through which organisms cope with the challenges of human-induced environmental changes is a crucial mission of current ecology, evolutionary biology and nature conservation. This paper reviews this issue focusing on ectothermic vertebrates, especially amphibians, many of which are endangered. A series of experiments and field observations proved that common toad populations living in areas exposed to chemical pollution exhibit several physiological changes that enable more effective protection against environmental stress. Field studies also revealed a relatively high frequency of sex reversal, i.e. male phenotype in some of the genotypically female individuals, in wild populations of agile frogs, especially in urban and agricultural areas. The most likely reason for this is the higher frequency of heat waves in such areas. Furthermore, experimental results suggest that heat-induced sex reversal is accompanied by decreased fitness. Theoretical models have shown that the probability of sex reversal, as well as its consequences for population dynamics and microevolution, depend on the type of sex-chromosome system and on mate-choice preferences. These results highlight the diverse implications of chemical pollution, climate change and the urban heat island effect, which especially threaten the survival of animal species whose sexual development is sensitive to environmental effects.
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