The second occurrence of the crevice weaver spiders in Hungary (Araneae: Haplogynae, Filistatidae)

  • Tamás Szűts University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Institute of Biology, Department of Zoology
Keywords: establishment, introduction


Crevice weaver spiders (Filistatidae) are characteristic and widespread members of the Mediterranean. So far only one occurrence has been known, in 1985 Pekka Lehtinen collected three specimens (data have been published in 2019), which are in the collection of the University of Turku. There were no further Hungarian records of the family despite expectations, but almost four decades later in 2024, on the 20th of April a male specimen has been captured in Budapest, which is deposited in the collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. The almost forty years hiatus may have caused by the relatively poorly known status of the family in Hungary. This publication provides therefore numerous habitus, habitat and copulatory organ photos to aid future identification.


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