Drug allergy testing in the Department of Dermatology and Allergology, University of Szeged

  • Lilla Mihályi
  • Nóra Belső
  • Katinka Ónodi
  • Anna Mezős
  • Andrea Pénzes
  • Zsuzsanna Bata-Csörgő
Keywords: drug-allergy, prick test, intradermal test, patch test, drug provocation


The authors present protocols of the options, available panels in drug allergy testing applied at the Department of Dermatology and Allergy, University of Szeged. In suspicion of drug induced hypersensitivity reaction we recommend performing lymphocyte transformation test (LTT), prick testing, intradermal testing and patch testing according to the assumed immune -mechanism. If these examinations are negative, the next step is the drug provocation test, which is the gold standard in the diagnosis of drug allergy. We summarize methods, indications, and the evaluation of each tests. There are increasing patients presenting hypersensitivity reactions who require proper identification of the culprit drug.
