The Volumes of Samuel Rochotius at the Collection of the Rákóczi Family

  • Róbert Oláh TTRE Nagykönyvtára, 4026 Debrecen, Kálvin tér 16.
Keywords: library history, 17th Century, Hungary, civilisation history, Bohemian Brethren, Samuel Rochotius, Rákóczi Family


Samuel Rochotius à Rochiczerberga (ante 1580 – post 1629) was a minister ot the Czech Brethren at Prusinowitz, Moravia (today: Prusinovice, Czech Republic) in 1607. After 1624 as an exile he found asylum at Lednic (today: Lednica, Slovakia) of the dowry of Zsuzsanna Lorántffy, György Rákóczi’s wife. Rákóczi bought a part of his library, helping the minister’s financial difficulties in 1629. This time we introduce eleven books of the minister’s former library (seven in Sárospa-tak, two in Debrecen and two in Budapest now), giving detailed description and analysis of the works preserved in the volumes. Bible commentaries, theological controversies, the ’opera omnia’ of Melanchthon and a collection of funeral sermons and elegies testify the Moravian minister’s high erudition.
