Szinnyei József és a hazai hírlapirodalom

  • Gábor Bezeczky Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Irodalomtudományi Intézet
Keywords: 19th century, periodical press, journalism in Hungary, list of daily and weekly papers, types of papers


From 1861, József Szinnyei published the inventory of all the Hungarian periodicals annually. The lists first appeared in Vasárnapi Újság, then, from 1895, in Magyar Könyvszemle. The first list had 52 items. The number of the periodicals doubled from decade to decade. The last list, published in 1911, contained 1680 items. The individual items had the same structure: the name of the periodical, the place of publication; names of the editors, owners, publishers; volume and price. Szinnyei’s lists can be regarded as the only reliable guide to fifty years of periodicals.
