The Trattner Family in Hungary

  • Judit Ecsedy Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
Keywords: 18th century, 19th century, Hungary, Buda, Pest, Trattner, printer, publisher


The author is dealing with the activity of the Trattner family in Hungary. There were three persons engaged in book making and selling with the name Trattner in the course of the 18–19th centuries in Hungary. First of all the Vienna Court printer Johann Thomas Trattner, his relative Mátyás Trattner and his son János Tamás Trattner. Johann Thomas Trattner began his activity as bookseller and printer in the 1780 in three Hungarian towns almost simultaneously: in Temesvár, Pozsony and Pest. His most successful enterprise was the printing and publishing office in Pest. He soon presented it to his relatives Mátyás and János Tamás Trattner, who made it one of the most productive offices in Pest in the Reform Age. János Tamás was also a dedicated patron of Hungarian literature, and so was his brother in law, who inherited the printing office. The enterprise continued well into the 19th century, surviving with half a century that of the Vienna Trattner office.
