The relationship between Figyelmező and Hungarian conservatives after the defeat of the War of Independence
The life cycle of the newspaper Figyelmező, published from July 1848 to January 1850, can be divided into a total of four stages. After the suppression of the 1848–1849 revolution and war of independence, the Hungarian conservative camp, which was the only legitimate political force and was opposed to the revolution throughout, but could not be called united, had a close bond with the newspaper, which slowly became the mouthpiece of the conservative movement. After the publication of the imperial constitution on March 4, 1849, the conservatives disappointed in Vienna did not give up their principles even when facing the imperial elite operating in the capital, i.e. that the political consolidation in Hungary should take place according to their vision. The purpose of this study is to show exactly how the principle of the Hungarian conservatives and the paper can be seen in action, as well as how Figyelmező tried to support the activities of a political grouping that became oppositional in the imperial sense, and what consequences it had for its fate.