Galician Jews and Viennese Yiddish avant-garde

  • Larissza Hrotko Jewish Theological Seminary – University of Jewish Studies ORZSE of Budapest
Keywords: Yiddish culture, avant-garde, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, First World War


This study demonstrates that there is not only optional interdisciplinary cooperation between different fields of research but there is an explicit need for. A typical example is the cultural anthropology.  While presenting one specific part of the Jewish culture this study includes the outcomes of social anthropologic, social political as well as literary criticism. However, linguistics – dialectology in this topic and the translation of German and Yiddish scriptures – also contributed to show up a rather complete picture.

This picture is definitely extensive: From the family correspondence of the 20th century through the police reports on the frame of mind between 1914 and 1917, it spreads to Viennese Yiddish avant-garde poetry. This is the way how two simultaneous Viennese societies and cultures were emerging. Contemporary Jewish and non-Jewish cultures could not manage the urban society of Vienna that rejected the cultural values of Jews who escaped from Galicia. At the same time, anti-Semitism grew rapidly in Vienna and penetrated soon the political arena. This short study closes by definition of anti-Semitism which surfaced in the Yiddish journalism.


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