The Stream of Consciousness as Anthropological and Aestheticcal Principle

  • Endre Kiss ORZSE, Művelődéstörténet Tanszék
Keywords: stream of consciousness, day-dreams, taboo, internal (interior, inner) monologue, foreign consciousness, narrative mode, Broch, Kafka, Joyce, Endre Kiss, writer's omnipotence, legitimation, false consciousness, C. G. Jung, ideology, archetypes, pathology, psychatry


Through the introduction of the "stream of consciousness " as an interfield between conscious and unconscious, the novelist Hermann Broch legitimizes the continuous use of the " inner monolog " which has been attacked ideologically, under others, by the Lukács of the stalinist period as "anti-realistic".

The "stream of consciousness " is then not only the psychological reality of the world state universal human condition but it also revolutionizes the role of the narrator in the novel or in the epic. Broch's remarkable merit is that he has found an aesthetic realization of this new universal human condition. The poet is also in the concept "omnisciently", he is however so in a perfectly new sense.

Hermann Broch argued profoundly with Sigmund Freud in every stage of his life course. Despite his general critical attitude and exceptional spiritual demands, he accepted the truth of the psychoanalysis not only in theory.

The fact that "sleepwalking", in Broch's concept of the polyhistoric novel and the " stream of consciousness" in the mass psychology, marks a new common basic behaviour, is clear and becomes almost the basis of the departure of Broch's analysis of this new world state.

Through the introduction of the " stream of consciousness" as an interzone between conscious and unconscious, the novelist Hermann Broch legitimizes the continuous use of the "inner monolog".

It becomes firstly visible, how excellently Broch can solve the so crucial problematic of the relation between individual and mass as well science-theoretically as real-causal.

It becomes evident how Broch creates a whole new image of the person, which is to be characterized most adequately as well social-ontologically as psychologically with the stream of consciousness and which can substantiate directly Hermann Broch's  literature theory and novel aesthetics.

It becomes clear in this context how this mass psychology does not occur without any philosophy of history and cultural critic.

And fourthly, Hermann Broch succeeds to maintain the knowledge-sociological continuity to the problematic of the right and wrong consciousness through his mass-psychological model.


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