The Battle of the Catalaunian Plains

A brief historical overview

Keywords: Attila, the Huns, Flavius Aetius, Honoria, Gaul


In this study, I examine the „Battle of the Catalaunian Plains”. In the first part, the causes ofthe campaign of 451 are discussed; the treachery of Honoria, the Frank succession, and theOstrogotic immigrants in the Visigothic Court. Then I present the campaign, describing howthe opposite forces manoeuvred, what their plans were, and how they arrived at the place ofthe battle. The battle plans and the fight of the forces, which continued through the night, arealso analysed. Then the next couple of days, the sieges of the camps, and the reason, why theRomans left the battlefield are described. The paper is completed with the author’sconclusions, the examination of the performance of the military leaders, the losses of theopposing forces, and claiming the winner.

Military history