Postmodern Deterrence

Keywords: international security, deterrence, disruptive technologies, new weapon systems, proliferation


Since the end of the Cold War, the nuclear rivalry of the great powers has diminished as a resultof various disarmament, arms control, and confidence- and security-building measures taken.This series of events coincides with the major technical development that has led to theemergence of new weapon systems that, as a result of some type of deployment, can even deliverso-called decapitating strikes. This technical development has accelerated in the 21st centuryand previously unimaginable weapon systems have emerged. Deterrence is changing asa result of this technical development, but the basic principles have not changed. The deterrentpotential of nuclear weapons remains significant, but the proliferation of certain new weaponsystems, due to the availability of disruptive technologies, can have significant effects on theinternational security environment. Revolutionary technologies are available to both state andnon-state actors, and because of their military application, new actors have appeared.
