Partnership Relations on a New Level Evaluation of the NATO Madrid Summit

Keywords: Madrid Summit, enhanced deterrence and enlargement, partnership initiatives, Finland, Sweden, Asia–Pacific region


A unified, prepared NATO with enhanced deterrence and credible defence is a key objective.This paper reviews the road leading up to the Madrid Summit and the creation of the newStrategic Concept. The Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 radically changedthe security environment. The summit focused on the challenges, risks, and threats on theeastern and southern borders of the Alliance and the response to them, the NATO–Russiarelationship, and military capabilities. This paper focuses on the historic decisions taken atthe Summit by NATO in the context of partnership, the invitation of Finland and Sweden,the priority given to the Asia–Pacific region, and the Madrid Summit developments inpartnership relations.

Author Biography

Klára Siposné Kecskeméthy, National University of Public Service, Military Science and Officer Training Faculty, Department of Operation and Support

Egyetemi tanár

Security policy