Victims of War: History and Contemporary Dilemmas of the Rule of Discrimination


Wars are initiated by politicians, waged by soldiers, and suffered by innocents, civilians, andnon-combatants. Representatives of military ethics and of just war theory in particular havebeen attempting to create a conceptual framework for a long time. In it the protection of theabove groups can be secured. The rule that prescribes the protection of innocent people,civilians, and non-combatants is the rule of discrimination. This article presents the historyand the contemporary content of this rule. It is one thing, however, to outline the history andthe conceptual content of a rule, and quite another to investigate the extent the rule isapplicable and is followed in practice.

Author Biographies

Mihály Boda, Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem, Hadtudományi és Honvédtisztképző Kar

Associate Professor, Head of Department NUPS FOMSOT, Department of Military History, Philosophy, and Cultural History;

Dániel Rémai, Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem, Hadtudományi Doktori Iskola

doctoral student, NUPS DSMS. NUPS FLE, Acting Head of Department, Department of Counterterrorism

Military history