A Study of Recording and Processing Post-Disaster Damage Assessments

Keywords: rehabilitation, damage assessment, special IT subsystem, data recording and data processing


Based on the lessons learnt from post-disaster damage assessments, the survey of damages scattered in a large area can be performed in different ways. One typical reason for this is that the time interval of the damage assessments may be different in many cases. In Hungary, special IT subsystems were used in an unusual way during the previous damage claims and assessments, which would have addressed the immediate assessment of buildings and the data of the damage reports in a uniform manner. The basic framework of the data recording and data processing IT subsystems for the assessment of large-scale damages can provide a faster, a more accurate and a more uniform application, which may increase efficiency. In this study, the authors attempted to map a conceptual framework for data recording and data processing software for assessing damages in careful consideration of the relevant legislation.

National defence