Migráció és Covid-19: Chile (esettanulmány)


In recent years, more than 5.6 million Venezuelans have escaped the economic devastation of thecountry. Colombia has been the primary recipient of Venezuelan migrants, having received about 1.7million people (2021), Peru is in second place, and Chile occupies the third place as destination countryof Venezuelan migration. Additionally, numerous Colombians, Peruvians, and Haitians have arrived inChile; now it is the home of more than 1.46 million immigrants. During Covid-19, the Chilean bordersremained closed. Consequently, migratory flows were forced to enter through non-authorized borders.This study's primary objective is to verify the current effects of Covid-19 on migratory flows, andadditionally, to provide a review of the policies implemented by the Chilean government until the antiimmigrationprotests. The primary sources and available statistics allow the analysis of current trends,Covid-19 and migration-related challenges, as well as the sketching of future scenarios.

Author Biography

Gabriella Thomázy, Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem, Hadtudományi Doktori Iskola

