The philosophical approach of CIMIC’s crisis management

  • Attila Káplár National University of Public Service, PhD Candidate
  • Andrea Horánszki National University of Public Service
Keywords: Civil-military relations, Plato, State building, crisis management


In our study, civil-military cooperation is investigated in a political-philosophical view. Our goal was to describe the state building activity of CIMIC and Plato’s work, „Politeia”. Additionally, weintended to describe an ideological world, by which a society can be outlined where the education of the participants contribute to the existence of such a state, where the dissolution of the existing value system and the attempt of military takeover is not a threat. The ideological foundation of destabilizingsocieties’ state building ability is the basis of our study. We present that how these societies can build such a political system that is viable not just for a short period of time, but can enbody a state which lasts in the long run. The key to achieve this goal is in the well-founded educational methods of Plato’s Theories of State.

Social science