Az európai kollektív önvédelem helye a nemzetközi jog rendszerében, különös tekintettel az EU kollektív önvédelmi klauzulájára, és annak lehetséges alkalmazási körére

  • Attila Ferenc Varga
Keywords: collective self-defense, European Union, international law, aggression


By the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the obligation of the collective selfdefense of the member states has been laid dawn in the basic document of the European Union. Although the need for a European collective self-defense already appeared some time ago, phrasing it at EU level was hindered by many circumstances. The author of this article intends to introduce the system of the collective self-defense in the
international law, as well as to present the anomalies related to the possible use of the
EU collective self-defense clause.

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