The Impact of Digital Transformation on the World of Work and on Human Resource Management

Keywords: challenge, resource, digital transformation, talent, knowledge worker’s job


I analysed labour market movements in my presentation at the HSZOSZ conference held in Debrecen in November 2019. I found that the flexible and quick response to the challenges of the speedily changing environment has always been a demanding task for organizations. In this day and age, technological development, innovative aspirations, robotization and digitalization have an impact on the functions and mindset of HR management. Creating knowledge-based society, the explosive development of technology and the upsurge of robotics can reshape the needs of labour market. On the other hand, this is all closely related to lifelong learning, the expansion of knowledge production, knowledge maintenance, knowledge management, and knowledge transfer. Talent management, along with catching up, have now become principal elements of value-added work.

Social science