Pandemic. Health Security and the New World Order

  • János Matus National University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training
Keywords: global risks, post-truth era, shareholder capitalism, stakeholder capitalism, rule by law, rule of law, world order


Political, economic, social and environmental processes of the world pose increasingly frequent and strong calamities to humanity. It is difficult to assess the probability of occurrence and the negative impact of threatening events. The post-World War Two liberal political and economic order has been under transformation for some time and the accompanying unexpected changes pose a threat to international peace, security and stability. The signs of the new world order are not visible, at best warnings of the conflicts and crises during transition can be perceived. This paper makes an attempt to recall some of the historical experience regarding major transformations and dangerous turning points. It deals with the present crisis of public health systems and the problems of early warning, concerning the coronavirus pandemic. A relatively rarely used object of analysis, the human factor will be discussed as an important asset in crisis management. Beyond virological agents that threaten the physical health of people, increasingly dangerous viruses, like misleading, cynical propaganda, with the consequences of intellectual, mental and emotional disorders will also be presented. Finally, this paper will also be looking for possible solutions, regarding the management of transformation infested in threats and the necessary changes inindividual states.

Security policy