Can we like robots?

Human-robot interaction - Emprical aspects of human side

  • Csaba Kollár
  • László Ványa
Keywords: human-robot interaction, social robots, feelings, human aspect, research


The second, empirical part in the discussion of human-robot interactions details the main research conclusion published about the topic in international references, as well as the outcomes of our own three research projects. Based on a source from 2016, our study outlines eight key milestones of the research of the of development trends in human-robot interaction. Furthermore the research reports and conclusions of other authors are ranked in one of the four dimensions we regard important (distance regulation, autonomy, participation and cooperation). Special emphasis is put on the research results of Nomura et al from Japan. Their findings provide the basis for the methodology of one of our resarch projects, which - similarly to their work - aims to examine the negative attitude toward robots and phobia about robots. This research is complemented with own aspects: positive feelings toward robots. Focus-group method is applied in our other research to analyse the above-mentioned four dimensions and the information safety of human-robot interaction, as well as the readiness of society to cohabit with robots (first of all with androids and humanoids). Our third research deals with the soldier-robot interaction. The study is closed with the main conclusions and summarizing statements.
