War and peace in Ukraine, or in the East, the situation is unchanged - 1.
The stability of Ukraine’s state or/and an eventual state failure in Ukraine or failing into war with Russia, will or would have a direct impact on the security of our country. The current crisis is an outcome of protracted crisis, in which the not explicit war and not really peace are mixed. The new cease-fire agreement reached and signed in September 2016 is not respected by any of the parties. There are some opinions suggesting that Russia is applying a force in accordance with a new military doctrine. How can we analyse the military situation in Eastern Ukraine, could we speak about the new form of military engagement? Why was it so easy to separate Crime from Ukraine and why did not it happened in same way in Eastern Ukraine? From 2014, the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission is operating in Ukraine. Currently what is this mission doing and what are the challenges? This study is trying to give answers to those questions.