Bloodless Victory in War and Possibility of the Reduction of War Destruction
According to Clausewitz, war is “the fact of violence, the application of which has no limits”. The consequence of violence is destruction, which can even lead to the complete devastation of the country concerned. Sun Tzu, the famous Chinese military scientist, summed up the essence of war as follows: “War is the most important matter of a country, the basis of life and death, the path of survival and destruction.” In the world of violence and destruction, the idea
of bloodless victory lives as promise of hope. According to Sun Tzu, the best commander “conquers the enemy army without a fight”. This is emphasized by Miklós Zrínyi in the 30th
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Liddell Hart 2002. Stratégia. Ford. Soproni András. Budapest: Európa Könyvkiadó.
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Szent Biblia (Megynyitva 2024. 10. 20.)
Zrínyi Miklós 2021. Hadtudományi munkái. Budapest: Zrínyi Kiadó.