Reflections on the Role of Lay Christian Faithful in Promoting Peace

Keywords: Catholic Church, peacebuilding, lay faithful, crisis management


The Catholic Church played an active role in promoting peace in the twentieth century. PopeFrancis has explicitly made peace the most important mission of the Church, which uses itsspecific means to build peace. The study focuses specifically on the position of lay faithful inpeace-building. It hypothesises that Pope Francis’ reform has contributed to the fulfilment ofconciliar principles. He reflects on a serious startegy and envisions a Church that uses itsown specific capacities to promote peace. In this, lay faithful, by virtue of their Catholicidentity and expertise, have a crucial role to play. This paper provides also a historicalperspective, presenting how the role of the laity and the notion of peace promotion developedand how the two came to be interacting.


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