Academic Progress in the Military

an Impact Analysis of Changes in International Journal Lists

Keywords: scientometrics, military science, international journals, Scopus, Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Academic progress in the military is influenced by changes in international journal lists,among many other factors. As individuals have no direct influence on these, it is worth preparingfor them and developing a publication strategy that involves both a conscious choice ofjournals and the compliance of research and publication methods with international standards
that allow publication in the so-called quartile journals. In our study, we will review the
issues of academic progress in the military field, the evaluation of academic performance in
the academic field, and then the list of journals of the Committee on Military Science withinthe international publication lists. We then use statistical methods to examine the presumedimpact of changes in the international publication list on academic performance and progress.This is because after a revision, some articles are added and others are removed from theinternational list, which affects the assessment of scientific performance. Finally, based on theresults of the study, we make recommendations for individuals and institutions to developmore conscious publication practices.


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