Logistics challenges of the NATO New Strategic Concept

Keywords: NATO Strategic Concept, technology, climate change, investment, logistics


At 29th of June 2022 during the NATO Summit in Madrid, the presidents and primeministers of the member states approved the new Strategic Concept of the Alliance. TheNATO Leaders approved the former Strategic Concept in 2010. During the past 12 years,some changes occurred in the security environment, to force the development and approval ofthe new NATO strategic Concept. This new concept formulates the goals, characteristics,and outlines the basic defence tasks of the Alliance for the next decade. Like traffic signs, theelements of the concept provide guidance for the future of NATO, direct development, createcommon basis to the operation and development the member states’ the defence sector. It doesfor maintaining the continuous adaptability of the Alliance in changing securityenvironment, while in a very political way it does not speak about enemy or adversary, justspeaking about competitors. The bases of the development of the new strategic concept was thestudy of NATO 2030: United for a New Era. The new strategic concept affects future of ourmilitary forces, determine the operational requirements, and the policies, training, methodsof allied contribution and development directions of the military assets. It is especiallysignificant strategic area for us because of the long-term military development program. Inmy study, I would like to point at the logistics during the analysis of the NATO newStrategic Concept to identify the challenges in this functional area.
