The Western Balkans as a security provider region

Keywords: European Union, Western Balkans, positive security, Security community


The EU’s stabilisation and state-building efforts in the Western Balkans have been complex,with mixed results. And the EU’s enlargement and positive peace agenda have not producedoptimal results on the ground. Contrasting perceptions, mutual mistrust, open bilateralissues, complex internal dynamics and a lack of regional ‘we’ consciousness characterise theregion. There are many obstacles to the creation of a pro-security attitude and a functioningsecurity community within and between states. The analysis aims to present the activitiesthat the EU has developed in the region since the 1990s, highlighting the importance of buildinga security community, the potential for partnership with the EU in security efforts, anddrawing conclusions on the extent to which the region has progressed as a security provider.

Security policy