The transformative role of the European Union on Turkish civil society

A legal framework analysis from recognition to protection

  • Resul Köse Department of Social Work at the University of Health Sciences. (Istanbul/Turkey)
  • Muzaffer Akdoğan Faculty of Health Sciences, Health Sciences University (Turkey)
  • Rabia Akdoğan Financial Advisor
  • Sefa Yıldırım Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University, Education Faculty (Turkey)


Under the influence of the European Union (EU), the legal framework of civil society in Turkey has undergone significant changes. However, have the normative framework and policy demands of the EU been able to play a transformative role in shaping the legal organization of civil society in Turkey? In this study, we aimed to examine the transformative role of the EU in shaping the legal structure of civil society in Turkey. In the study, the Turkey Progress Reports published by the EU since 2005 were systematically examined, and the legal development of civil society was analyzed. The transformative role of the EU in shaping the legal structure of civil society in Turkey is of critical importance for democratization and strengthening the rule of law in the country. Efforts to align with EU standards have increased the legal recognition and protection of civil society in Turkey. Additionally, the financial and technical support provided by the EU has encouraged legal reforms aimed at enhancing the capacity of civil society organizations in Turkey. Nevertheless, further steps are necessary to fully strengthen and protect the legal structure of civil society.


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Hogyan kell idézni
KöseR., AkdoğanM., AkdoğanR., & YıldırımS. (2024). The transformative role of the European Union on Turkish civil society: A legal framework analysis from recognition to protection. Civil Szemle, 21(4), 151-168.
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