A "hát" multifunkcionalitása a beszédműfajok és a diskurzusjelölő-társulások függvényében
The multifunctionality of hát ’well, so’ depending on speech genre and discourse marker combination
Hungarian discourse marker hát is extremely multifunctional: it can operate on different discourse structures (ideational, rhetorical, sequential, inferential) in its current use. Based on the analyses of the spontaneous speech (SS) subcorpora of Beszélt Nyelvi Adatbázis (BEA), in this respect speech genre is indeed decisive: hát has the most multifunctional character in conversations, but its extreme multifunctionality is also present in other SS-genres (interview, interpreted speech, expression of opinions). In the case of discourse marker combinations (e. g., de hát ’but well’) the level of multifunctionality decreases, which can be explained by the preferred second position of hát, and, consequently, by its semantic constraints.
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