Egyetemi hallgatónők vérnyomásának, tápláltsági állapotának és életvitelének összefüggései
Teachers are role models for their students by their exemplary lifestyle. A program was started at Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty, Eötvös Loránd University in 2013 for training more health-conscious teachers.
In 2013–2014, 461 female students (aged 18–25 years) were examined by InBody 720 body composition analyzer and blood pressure analyzer (Omron M1 Compact). Questionnaires were used to collect data on chronic illnesses appearing in their families, their psychosomatic symptoms, about their lifestyle and physical activity habits.
Nearly half of students had prehypertensional blood pressure. The majority had normal nutritional status, 18% of them were overweight or obese and 10% were underweight. Most critical lifestyle issue was the lack of physical activity: the 63% of students did not do any sports. Significant correlation was found between regular sport activity and pulse rate: those doing regular exercise had lower pulse rates. Students with higher body mass index and body fat proportion had higher blood pressure, students that smoke had higher pulse rates.
Objective examinations and personal consultancy can influence the lifestyle of students.
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