Nagyvenyim-Munkácsy utca – Fűzfa utca lelőhely avar kori embertani leletei
At Nagyvenyim-Munkácsy utca – Fűzfa utca site skeletal remains of 22 individuals from the Avar period were unearthed. Metrical and pathological analysis were carried out on the badly preserved material. Despite of its few cases and bad preservation the sample from Nagyvenyim is an important contribution to the Avar period population on Mezőföld, as there is only one anthropological review from this period in the region by this time (Wenger’s report about the sample from Előszállás-Bajcsihegy in 1966 and 1967).
Comparing the sample of Nagyvenyim-Munkácsy utca – Fűzfa utca with Előszállás-Bajcsihegy there is a notable difference in their stature, and this fact is very interesting as the two sites are closed to each other. The fragmented small sample from Nagyvenyim does not allow us considerable conclusions, but examination of further samples will give more reliable information about the Avar period population of Mezőföld.
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