A gyógyszerészet rövid története. A felvidéki Lévai járás gyógyszerészetének története

  • Lívia Baka Semmelweis Egyetem GYOK
Kulcsszavak: gyógyszerészet történet, Lévai járás, 19. század


In the district of Leva the first pharmacy was founded in the 17th century. It would be the 350th anniversary
this year, but in a decision of 1956 had been abolish the privat property. Based on the remaining and available
resources, the increasing of the number of pharmacies begins in a 19th century. While in 1984 the number of
a total is 12, today in 89 settlements of a district, are 42 pharmacies. We introduce this process in this article.

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Kiváló tudományos dolgozatok