A XVIII. századi magyarországi és erdélyi pestisjárványokhoz kapcsolódó főbb szakirodalmi források (1700 –1944)

Vekerdi László gyűjtését folytatta és sajtó alá rendezte: Gazda István

  • István Gazda Magyar Tudománytörténeti Intézet
Kulcsszavak: orvostörténet, tudománytörténet, járványtörténet, bibliográfia


László Vekerdi Széchenyi Prize-winning historian of science, medical historian, prepared a detailed study on the 18th century plague epidemics in Hungary and Transylvania, and he carried out specific literature research. His illness prevented him from making the collection complete and arrange for publication, therefore he entrusted István Gazda with the completion of this work.

The first part of the compilation includes the 18th century sources, the second part shows the literature sources published between 1800 and 1944 in three parts. The medical history and local history works are in the first group- The second group is primarily related to the ethnographic and scientific writings, and demographic and statistical publications can be found in the third group


Folyóirat szám
Bibliográfiai források