A totalitás fogalma a Történelem és osztálytudatban

  • Forczek Ákos


According to the well-known thesis of the opening essay of History and Class Consciousness, “orthodox Marxism” does not follow Marx “in general”, but rather the Marxian method, the key concept of which is “totality”. In my paper I seek to shed light on this deeply compromised category, the prominence of which in Lukács’ thought is seen by many critics as a sign of irrational thinking. I will first focus on the history of this concept, namely the Hegelian and Marxian category of totality, which was crucial for Lukács; then I examine the concept of totality in History and Class Consciousness and propose an interpretation of Lukács’ “dialectical view of totality”.

Információk a szerzőről

Forczek Ákos

Az ELTE BTK Filozófia Intézetének tanársegédje. Kutatási területei a német idealizmus, Marx és Lukács György.
