Vertical differentiation of pedogenic iron forms – a key of hydromorphic soil profile development
This paper focuses on the vertical distribution and characterisation of pedogenic iron forms in a Gleysol- Histosol transect developed in a marshy area in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve, Hungary. Four soil profiles were investigated along a series of increasing waterlogging and spatial and temporal patterns of hydromorphic pedofeatures (characteristics of pedogenic iron forms) were recorded. Frequent and wide-range redox potential (Eh) changes caused the emergence of many types of redoximorphic iron features, including mottles, plaques and nodules. The forms of these features depended on the micro-environments determined by the vertical position in the soil profile and the presence of plant roots. The greatest iron enrichment occurred in the zone of most intensive and widest-range redox fluctuations. Increasing water saturation resulted the extension of gleyic pattern due to the existence of permanent reduction. Most of the features also showed annual variations during the varying periods of water saturation and aeration.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Marianna Ringer, Gergely Jakab, Péter Sipos, Máté Szabó, Kata Horváth-Szabó, Katalin Perényi, Zoltán Szalai

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