Flea markets in the space - Typology and spatial characteristics of second-hand retail in Budapest
Nowadays the term “used items” has a rather rich connotation, thus their retail trade has also diversified, has broken into several segments. This study first defines the aspects according to which the different types of second-hand retail trade can be classified, then – on the basis of this – it describes the types and sub-types of the sector. Based on Hungarian and foreign literature, considering the profile of second-hand retailers we can distinguish fairs (antique fair, car boot sale, and garage sale), markets (flea market, burse) and shops (secondhand clothes shop, vintage shop, flea shops, charity shops, antique shop and shops with additional functions). The study based on primary research also classifies the different retail units on the basis of their location, product range, opening hours and their operators. Then with GIS methods the spatial distribution of used item retailers in Budapest is represented on a map, finally the data is analysed. In 2016 the majority of second-hand retail units was antique shops and second-hand clothes shops, but the market was enriched with flea shops, thrift stores and flea markets as well. The study points out that due to their functions in the market, the different types show spatial characteristics, the different shops are concentrated in different parts of the capital.
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