The rehabilitation of former Soviet military sites in Hungary

  • Kriszta Kádár State Audit Office of Hungary, Budapest, Hungary
Keywords: brownfield regeneration, rehabilitation of military sites, Soviet military sites, functional conversion, Hungary


This paper focuses on the current status and future possibilities of the regeneration of former Soviet military sites in Hungary. As part of our research a nationwide survey was conducted in order to determine the location, size and present function of such military sites. In addition, empirical research was carried out in six selected medium size cities (county seats). After the introduction of our methodology, the paper briefly presents the state-of-the-art of research on brownfield sites in Hungary, subsequently, the results of our survey are introduced. On the basis of the analysis, we discuss the following aspects: factors of successful rehabilitation and factors that - against the expectations - did not contribute to the quick and successful renewal of these urban sites.


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How to Cite
KádárK. (2014). The rehabilitation of former Soviet military sites in Hungary. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 63(4), 437-456.