The soil types of the modernized, diagnostic based Hungarian Soil Classification System and their correlation with the World reference base for soil resources
The traditional genetic-based Hungarian Soil Classification System (HSCS) was elaborated during the 1960s. The concept and the units were developed before sufficient data and modern data processing tools became available. The 39 soil types were defined as group of soils developed under similar soil forming factors and processes, resulting in similar morphogenetic properties. The allocation of soils in the system included some subjective elements, even with substantial knowledge and experience of the classifier. The modernized “diagnostic”,system was developed based on the accumulated data and experiences with the genetic system as well on the application of new pedometric tools. The definitions and limits of the diagnostic categories (horizons and properties) correspond with the World reference base for soil resources (WRB), but are not identical, they are much simpler, and adopted for the environmental setting of the Carpathian Basin. The 15 soil types (central units) are defined by the newly introduced classification key, based on diagnostic criteria, assuring a more objective result of the classification process. This paper is presenting the rational of the diagnostic system, gives a summary description of the 15 new soil types and discusses the successful correlation with the (WRB).
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Copyright (c) 2019 Erika Michéli, Ádám Csorba, Tamás Szegi, Endre Dobos, Márta Fuchs

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