National level assessment of soil salinization and structural degradation risks under irrigation
Optimal water supply of plants is key to high yields. However, irrigation in drier regions must be accompanied by soil conservation. Nationwide planning of irrigation needs spatially exhaustive, functional soil maps, which may support proper recommendations for the different areas. For supporting the Hungarian national irrigation strategy, a series of countrywide functional soil maps was created, which reveal the pedological constraints, conditions and circumstances of irrigation by the spatial modelling of the relevant functional features of the soil mantle. Irrigation can improve productivity, while its negative effects may lead to soil degradation. This paper focuses on threats, the spatial identification of potentially affected areas. The thematic maps spatially model the irrigability and vulnerability of soils. Estimation of salt accumulation hazard, and soil structure degradation risks were targeted. The salinization hazard assessment was carried out by two ways. We applied the steady state concept of critical water-table depth and a more dynamic, process-based method. To estimate soil structural degradation hazard, class-based relationships were developed based on soil profile data of MARTHA 1.0 (Hungarian Detailed Soil Hydraulic Database). Soil type, organic matter content, carbonate content, soil reaction and texture class (USDA) were taken into consideration to develop pedotransfer functions for modelling the correlations between primary soil properties and threats indicators. The new maps can help decision makers to improve land use management, and sustainable agronomy.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Zsófia Bakacsi, Tibor Tóth, András Makó, Gyöngyi Barna, Annamária Laborczi, József Szabó, Gábor Szatmári, László Pásztor

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