Erosion susceptibility mapping of a loess-covered region using Analytic Hierarchy Process – A case study: Kalat-e-Naderi, northeast Iran
In this study, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied to generate erosion susceptibility maps in four basins of Kalat-e-Naderi county, namely Archangan, Kalat, Qaratigan, and Chahchaheh basins, situated in northeast Iran. The Kalat-e-Naderi region is characterized by a partial coverage of loess. Given the agricultural significance of loess and its susceptibility to erosion, this research focuses specifically on regions covered by loess. Geographic Information System (GIS) tools, including ArcMap and Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS), were utilized to facilitate the creation of erosion susceptibility maps. Seven factors, including slope, aspect, elevation, drainage density, lithology, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and precipitation were selected for consideration. Recognizing the variability of precipitation and vegetation cover across different seasons, seasonal data for the specified factors were employed. Consequently, erosion susceptibility maps were generated on a seasonal basis. Pairwise comparison tables revealed that precipitation, lithology, and slope emerged as the dominant factors contributing to erosion susceptibility in this region. The resultant maps distinctly delineate basins with higher precipitation values, unresistant lithology (such as loess,
characterized by high porosity and permeability), and steeper slopes, exhibiting heightened susceptibility to erosion (Archangan and Kalat basins). The credibility of the research findings was examined through on-site
observations. The outcomes of this study may provide pertinent insights for decision-makers and planners. This information can be effectively employed in formulating strategies aimed at conserving soil quality in areas vulnerable to erosion hazards.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Fatemeh Nooshin Nokhandan, Kaveh Ghahraman, Erzsébet Horváth

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