Anthropologiai Közlemények <p>Az Anthropologiai Közlemények (AK) az MBT Embertani Szakosztályának folyóirata, az MTA anyagi támogatásával jelenik meg. Az AK a biológiai antropológia tudományterület egyetlen hazai folyóirata. Az AK-ben a biológiai antropológia témakörében készült, hazai és külföldi szakemberek, ill. kutatócsoportok vizsgálatain alapuló kutatások eredményei kerülnek bemutatásra. Az AK-ben a biológiai antropológia minden tudományterületének legfontosabb eredményei arányosan kapnak helyet.</p> hu-HU (Zsákai Annamária) (Zsákai Annamária) p, 20 dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Bátaszék-Kanizsai-dűlő/Lajvér (Tolna megye, M6 to 046.) lelőhelyen feltárt, a lengyeli kultúrába tartozó embertani leletek antropológiai vizsgálatának eredményei <p>2006 és 2009 között az M6-os autópálya építését megelőző feltárások során a késő neolit lengyeli kultúra nagy kiterjedésű temetője került feltárásra. A különböző intézmények által egyidejűleg végzett feltárások során derült ki, hogy a különböző azonosítóval ellátott lelőhelyszakaszok összetartoznak. Alábbiakban Bátaszék határának ÉNy-i részén, a Lajvér patak partján feltárt temetőrészlet embertani vizsgálatának eredményeit közöljük. A vizsgálatok rendelkezésére álló 51 sír demográfiai, hagyományos morfometriai, paleopatológiai elemzése alapvetően megerősítette a korábban már jelen tanulmány szerzőjének a doktori munkáját képező 10/B lelőhelyszakaszon feltárt 859 temetkezés analízisének eredményeit. A nagy kiterjedésű, több, mint 2000 síros temető egy újabb, korábban külön egységként kezelt szakaszán feltárt embertani leletek vizsgálatának eredményeivel kívánunk további adatokat közölni, annak reményében, hogy a lelőhely összes sírjának vizsgálati eredményei is közlésre kerülnek a közeljövőben.</p> Kitti Köhler Copyright (c) 2024 Anthropologiai Közlemények h, 16 dec 2024 20:11:38 +0000 Pilismarót-Basaharc vaskori népességének történeti embertani vizsgálata <p>Pilismarót-Basaharc is a unique Iron Age cemetery in the Danube Bend, which represents the transition between the Early and the Late Iron Age burial rite and custom. The anthropological material of the Iron Age cemetery consists of 57 inhumation and 33 cremation graves. Additionally, highly fragmented and incomplete skeletal remains from nine settlement-related pits were also uncovered. In relation to the skeletal burials, 10 males, 15 females, 5 juveniles and 28 children, from which 20 were under the age of two, were identified. As for the pit burials, except for two children, mainly adult cranial fragments and incomplete skeletons were found. Our analysis revealed that most of the assessed crania were brachycran in contrast to the dolicho- and mesocranic features noted in Transdanubia from this period. Majority of the identified pathological conditions, such as degenerative changes of the spine and the joints, as well as skeletal stress markers, commonly affected prehistoric populations. Besides, an elderly female individual exhibited hyperostosis frontalis interna (HFI) on the inner surface of the frontal bone. Traumatic lesions, like fractures were rarely observed and all of them were healed. Upon studying the cremated remains, no major difference could be established regarding the fragmentation and degree of calcination. Almost all the cremated individuals reached adulthood and were cremated shortly after death.y after death.</p> Katalin Gyenesei, Sándor Évinger, Károly Tankó, Erzsébet Jerem, Tamás Hajdu Copyright (c) 2024 Anthropologiai Közlemények h, 16 dec 2024 18:11:28 +0000 Növekedési hormonnal kezelt, klasszikus növekedésihormon-hiányos gyermekek születéskori státuszának elemzése az Érettség–Fejlettség–Tápláltság-mátrix módszer segítségével <p>An essential indicator of children's health is weight gain and general growth reflecting development, making the understanding of abnormal growth and maturation patterns crucial for early intervention and long-term health outcomes. The Maturity–Development–Nutrition (MDN) matrix method enables the easy identification of intrauterine growth retardation during the newborn period, which can increase the risk of stillbirth and infant mortality.</p> <p>The main purpose was to examine the birth status (length of prenatal development, body length, body weight, nutritional status) of children with classic growth hormone deficiency treated with growth hormone using the MDN matrix method.</p> <p>We examined the birth status of 98 children (67 boys, 31 girls) with isolated growth hormone deficiency who were treated at the North Buda St. John’s Centre Hospital, between 1975 and 2016. We analysed birth status using data on the children’s gestational age, sex, birth length and birth weight. Centile values for birth length and weight were determined using national reference series corresponding to birth year, gestational age and sex. The MDN matrix was used to assess newborn nutritional status and intrauterine growth retardation type.</p> <p>Children with growth hormone deficiency have a prenatal development length that is similar to the Hungarian reference values. However, their birth length and weight were lower than the domestic reference series. According to the MDN matrix method, their nutritional status was similar to that of children born between 2000 and 2012. However, 34.69% of the children were growth-retarded according to their birth developmental status, which was significantly higher than the frequency observed in the children included in the reference series.</p> <p>The results confirm that the MDN method may be appropriate for identifying newborns who would benefit from early investigations to diagnose growth hormone deficiency.</p> Dorina Annár, Annam Zsakai, Ágota Muzsnai Copyright (c) 2024 Anthropologiai Közlemények k, 17 dec 2024 11:49:30 +0000 Magyar markerek nyomában az Irtis mentén <p>While most researchers put the early Hungarians into the vicinity of the Southern Urals in the few centuries before they entered written history, it is still open what was before, how this core formed, where they had come from. In this study we identify with genetic comparison a possible microregion along the Irtysh as a point of departure for at least some components of the early tribal core. We also review relevant archaeological research and show that some studies have identified essentially the same microregion.</p> Endre Németh, Balázs Jávorszky, Tibor Fehér, Aibolat K. Kushkumbaev Copyright (c) 2024 Anthropologiai Közlemények k, 17 dec 2024 11:41:43 +0000 Fogmorfológiai tulajdonságok filogeográfiai összefüggései az archeogenetikai adatok fényében <p>Among the methods belonging to the toolkit of anthropological research, dental non-metric studies investigating the morphological traits of teeth are currently one of the most common for examining the biological relationships between populations. Despite the spread of archaeogenetic analyses, a study comparing the results of genetic and dental non-metric analyses of the same individuals is unique internationally.</p> <p>In order to address this hiatus, the subject of our study was the dentition of individuals from the Avar and Hungarian Conquest periods of the Carpathian Basin, for whom published whole-genome data were available. Taking advantage of this unique opportunity, the aim of the PhD thesis was to test and develop a literature-based method, and to validate this method with genetic data.</p> <p>For recording the dental non-metric traits, the latest version of the widely known Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System (ASUDAS)-based method was used with minor modifications. To examine the genetic composition of the studied individuals, we performed a supervised ADMIXTURE analysis.</p> <p>Our research has validated the usefulness of dental non-metric analyses for understanding the origins of past populations using genetic data. Furthermore, we have developed a method, supported by genetic data, that can be used to provide estimates of ancestry even at the individual level. Although our study has highlighted the potential of dental non-metric studies, it has also revealed methodological problems and limitations in testing methods and hypotheses that can only be overcome by extending the study material.</p> Luca Kis Copyright (c) 2024 Anthropologiai Közlemények k, 17 dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Mohácsi Nemzeti Emlékhely IV. tömegsírja feltárásának biológiai antropológiai megfigyelései <p>The excavation campaign of Mass Grave No. IV. started at the National Memorial Park of Mohács in June 2024. The well-organized, intensive archaeological and field anthropological work was carried out in cooperation between the Department of Archaeology, Janus Pannonius Museum and the Department of Biological Anthropology, University of Szeged.</p> <p>The observations of the field anthropology studies were very similar to the Mass Grave No. III. excavation (carried out between 2020 and 2022): frequently fragmented and incomplete, mixed and damaged skeletal remains, predominance of young male skeletons, abundance of perimortem cut wounds observed first on skull bones and cervical vertebrae, quite frequent occurrence of skeletal infection traces.</p> <p>After a period of 10 weeks, the excavation campaign was finished with the completion of the fieldwork. Immediately after that, the skeletal remains of an undetermined number of individuals (but very probably between one and two hundred) were transported to the Department of Biological Anthropology of the University of Szeged, where the washing and preliminary anthropological analysis of the skeletons was about to begin.</p> Réka Kocsmár, Lili Vágvölgyi, Réka Neményi, Zsombor Győrffy-Villám, Ildikó Talabér, Zsófia Simon, Árpád Szabó, Marcos De Andrés, Viktor Vig, Zsolt Bereczki, Balázs Tihanyi, Erika Molnár, György Pálfi Copyright (c) 2024 Anthropologiai Közlemények k, 17 dec 2024 12:32:56 +0000 Dezső Gyula bibliográfiája <p>The compilation includes Gyula Dezső’s publications, the overviews of his publication, as well as commemorations related to his life and obituaries</p> Gyula L. Farkas Copyright (c) 2024 Anthropologiai Közlemények sze, 18 dec 2024 11:22:50 +0000 Kralovánszky Alánné Éry Kinga (1932–2024) Éva Susa Copyright (c) 2024 Anthropologiai Közlemények sze, 18 dec 2024 11:33:49 +0000 Nyilas Károly (1946–2024) Gyula L. Farkas Copyright (c) 2024 Anthropologiai Közlemények sze, 18 dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Hírek Zsolt Bereczki, Ildikó Pap, György Pálfi, Annamária Zsákai Copyright (c) 2024 Anthropologiai Közlemények sze, 18 dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000